Quick steps to fix docker error during Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021.3 installation.
Ran into the following error when installing Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots 2021.3 release:
Summary: 0 packages finished [3min 29s]
1 package failed: rtabmap_ros
1 package had stderr output: rtabmap_ros
The command '/bin/bash -xo pipefail -c source ${ROS_INSTALL_DIR}/setup.bash && colcon build && rm -rf ${ROS2_WS}/build/* ${ROS2_WS}/src/* ${ROS2_WS}/log/*' returned a non-zero code: 2
- Edit the Dockerfile in the amr_ubuntu2004_ros2_foxy_sdk_env folder
- Change the software-properties-common version to 0.99.9.* on line 176