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Privileged Access or Developer Zone Premier Account Request for the Resource and Documentation Center (RDC) Has Been Rejected

Content Type: Product Information & Documentation   |   Article ID: 000088380   |   Last Reviewed: 01/31/2025


  • Why is my Developer Zone Premier (DZP) registration rejected?
  • Who to contact if the DZP registration was denied.


Your request for a Privileged Access or Premier Account has been declined due to:

  • Application does not meet the Developer Zone Premier program criteria, available in the Developer Zone Premier Terms & Conditions.
  • Premier access to Intel's Developer Zone requires a Corporate Non-Disclosure Agreement (CNDA) between your company and Intel, or you are a party to the Intel® Partner Alliance Terms and Conditions.
  • Developer Zone Premier access requires the account to have an active Intel Account Representative or be an active Intel Partner Alliance member*

You may continue to use your Standard account to access public content in the Developer Zone. Below please find a menu of valuable resources that have been enabled with your continued growth in mind. To ensure that you continue receiving our e-mails, please add us to your address book. Additionally, we have several distributors and resellers that you can engage with for resource help with your project.

*Disclaimer: Additional qualifications may apply. Not all requests are approved. For additional clarifications, please review Intel’s Developer Zone Premier Terms & Conditions.

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Resource and Documentation Center