Article ID: 000088380 Content Type: Product Information & Documentation Last Reviewed: 11/28/2022

Privileged Access or Developer Zone Premier Account Request for the Resource and Documentation Center (RDC) Has Been Declined


Intel terms for Premier User access must be followed to ensure the user is qualified with the access request.


Unable to determine why the request for Resource and Design Documentation access has been declined or rejected.


Developer Zone Premier Content access by an external party must be governed with a dedicated Sales Account Manager or an Intel Sales Rep, inclusive of the additional Terms of Use below.

Intel Terms for Premier User Access — To be a Developer Zone Premier User must:

  1. Submit a completed enrollment form.
  2. Accept Terms and Conditions.
  3. Have a valid Corporate Non-Disclosure Agreement (CNDA) with Intel.
  4. Meet the User Qualifications.
  5. Have a covered account with Intel’s Sales and Marketing Group or another Intel business unit. A covered account means an account that is associated with a designated Intel sales team.

As there are also other reasons a privileged access request could be denied, contact Intel Customer Support.