Article ID: 000059149 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 07/28/2022

Unable to Start Training in Training and Learning Suite 2.0 on Intel® Edge Software Hub


Troubleshooting steps to start training on Training and Learning Suite 2.0.


Started the training process with the following steps, the training did not start and no error messages are shown.

  • Installed Training and Learning Suite 2.0
  • Uploaded and labeled images
  • Selected base model
  • Clicked the play button to start training

There are two issues that may cause the training process not to start. Use sudo docker logs -f tls_core to print the log file and analyze the error message.

Follow these steps if the tlsapiui:2.0 docker image is restarting:

  1. Open a terminal, navigate to the training-learning-suite-2.0/webservices/components/cvat directory and run the following commands

sudo docker-compose down

sudo -E docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ../../../docker-compose.cvat.override.yml up -d

  1. From the terminal, navigate to the training-learning-suite-2.0/ directory and run the following commands

sudo docker-compose down

sudo -E docker-compose up -d

  1. Verify the docker container is no longer restarting

sudo docker ps


Follow these steps if you are seeing RDB write errors:

  1. In the TLS2.0 directory, update the tlsredis.Dockerfile as below:

Change FROM redis:6-alpine to FROM redis:6.0-alpine

  1. Go to thirdparty/security directory, run ls -l command to list all the files. You will see these 6 files below having userID and groupID as tls:tls by default.

-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1419 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 1675 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_apiui_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 1590 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 2455 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_core_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 tls tls 2228 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_cert.crt
-rw------- 1 tls tls 4803 Feb 19 14:30 TLS_server_key.pem

  1. Run the following commands to change the userID and groupID to your default userID and groupID prior to rebuilding the redis container,

sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_cert.crt
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_apiui_key.pem
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_cert.crt
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_core_key.pem
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_cert.crt
sudo chown <userID>:<groupID> TLS_server_key.pem

  1. Navigate to TLS2.0 directory and rebuild the docker container.

sudo docker-compose build --no-cache tls_redis

  1. After build successfully , navigate to thirdparty/security directory and revert back the 6 files to the default userID and groupID as tls:tls using the same command earlier as below.

sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_cert.crt
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_apiui_key.pem
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_cert.crt
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_core_key.pem
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_cert.crt
sudo chown tls:tls TLS_server_key.pem

  1. Navigate to the main TLS2.0 directory and restart the containers.

sudo docker-compose down
sudo -E docker-compose up -d

  1. Verify all containers are up and running and proceed to the TLS2.0 Web interface.

sudo docker ps

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