TA-840: Intel® RAID Controller SROMBSAS18E Failure


Warranty & RMA



Through its manufacturing test quality assurance processes, Intel has determined that a number of Intel® RAID Controller SROMBSAS18E Server RAID adapter cards integrated with the Intel® Server Boards SHW4URM3SA, SHW6URM3SA, S5000PSLROMB, BB5000PSLROMB, and spare part FXXSROMSASB18E has encountered a component failure. This component failure is related to a specific date code of the component and Intel has identified a small amount of product that has shipped to customers with the affected date code.

Only the SROMB18E RAID adapter card is affected by this issue. The Intel® Server Boards SHW4URM3SA, SHW6URM3SA, S5000PSL, and BB5000PSL sold in conjunction with the SROMBSAS18E RAID adapter are not impacted by this issue.

The affected RAID adapter card has PBA number “D23589-303,” and has date code “66M” at locations U1N1 and/or U6N2 on the back side of the RAID adapter card. The RAID adapter card has date code “66M” at locations U1N1 and/or U6N2 with PBA number different than “D23589-303” is not affected by this issue.

Technical Advisory 840 (PDF) PDF icon
File name: TA_840_02.pdf
Size: 176,624 bytes
Date: Aug 2007

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