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Retrieving a Diagout from an Intel® Modular Server System

Content Type: Maintenance & Performance   |   Article ID: 000007788   |   Last Reviewed: 01/17/2019

Retrieving a diagout, diagout.user.htm, or

To download a diagnostic report for troubleshooting:

  1. Choose Diagnostics from the left navigation frame.
  2. Choose the Service Data bar.
  3. Click the User Diagnostics link.
  4. Click the Download Result link after the test has finished.
  5. Choose a destination for the saved file.
  6. Choose Save.

Diagnostics menu

Service data

Running the reports doesn't change the state of the system.

I have the user diagout. Which sections do I check?

  • Firmware: Is the system running the latest build?
  • Dashboard: Look for errors or recommended actions.
  • Event Log Table: Look for errors or issues.
  • All Component Status: Are all the components responding?
  • Storage Layout: Firmware revisions on hard drives must match each other.

What do I do if the event log shows: GUI failure to communicate with the Storage subsystem?

This message shows during a firmware update, and it's harmless only if followed by:
Storage Control Module Firmware Update Successful.