LGA2066 socket compatibility
These processors are compatible with the FCLGA2066 socket.
Intel® Core™ X-series Processors:
FCLGA2011 socket compatibility
These processors are compatible with the FCLGA2011 socket. They are compatible only with motherboards supporting FCLGA2011 socket. We recommend you always download the latest BIOS from the motherboard vendor when installing a new processor. For any issues, please check with your board manufacturer to see if your board is compatible with the processor you intend to use.
FCLGA2011-v3 socket compatibility
These processors are compatible with the FCLGA2011-v3 socket. They are compatible only with motherboards supporting FCLGA2011-v3. We recommend you always download the latest BIOS from the motherboard vendor when installing a new processor. For any issues, please check with your board manufacturer to see if your board is compatible with the processor you intend to use.
Intel® Core™ i7-6950X Processor Extreme Edition
Note | To find compatible motherboards for selected Intel® Desktop Processors, refer to How to Find Compatible Motherboards for Your Intel® Boxed Desktop Processors, which shows how to use the Intel® Compatibility Tool. |