Nesime Tatbul

Intel Labs / Research Scientist

Research areas

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Data Analytics & Modeling

  • Distributed Systems

  • IoT & Emerging Systems

  • Machine Learning

  • Machine Programming



Nesime Tatbul is a senior research scientist at Intel Labs and a visiting scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. Since 2013, she has been Intel's research lead for the Intel Science and Technology Center for Big Data (ISTC-BigData), followed by the Intel-Google-Microsoft Data Systems and AI Lab (DSAIL) based at MIT. Previously, she served on the computer science faculty of ETH Zurich, after receiving a Ph.D. degree from Brown University. Her research interests are in large-scale data management systems and modern data-intensive applications. She is most known for her contributions to stream processing, which include the Aurora/Borealis systems (now TIBCO StreamBase) and the S-Store system (the first streaming OLTP system). Nesime is the recipient of an IBM Faculty Award (2008), two ACM SIGMOD Best Demonstration Awards (2005 and 2019), and ACM DEBS Grand Challenge and Best Poster Awards (2011). She has served on the organization and program committees for various conferences and workshops, including SIGMOD (group leader in 2011, industrial co-chair in 2014), VLDB (demo co-chair in 2019, workshops co-chair in 2020, "Scalable Data Science" category co-chair in 2021, associate editor for PVLDB 2011-12 and 2020-21), ICDE (area chair in 2013), SIGMOD/aiDM (PC co-chair in 2020), NeurIPS/WiML (area chair and mentor in 2019), and IJCAI (2020), and on the editorial boards of the SIGMOD Record (2012-2017) and the VLDB Journal (2019-present). She is an elected member of the VLDB Endowment Board of Trustees (2020-2025).