Article ID: 000087030 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 04/03/2019

Error(15653): The Fitter cannot find a legal configuration for the following atoms. Update any outdated transceiver PHY IP cores, correct any illegal pin assignments, and then recompile your design.


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition
  • Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP
  • Ethernet

    Due to a problem in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 18.0, fitter errors may occur with example design of the Intel® Stratix® 10 Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel FPGA IP when VCCR_GXB and VCCT_GXB supply voltage is set to 1_1V, because generated PLL's voltage mismatch.

    Error(15653): The Fitter cannot find a legal configuration for the following atoms. Update any outdated transceiver PHY IP cores, correct any illegal pin assignments, and then recompile your design.

    Error(15744): In atom 'av_top|alt_e40_0|tx_pll_gen.tx_pll|s10_fpll_tx|fpll_inst'

    Error(15744): The settings must match one or more of these conditions: 

    Error(15744): ( VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 1_1V ) 

    Error(15744): But the following assignments violate the above conditions: 

    Error(15744): VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 1_0V

    Error(15744): Or the settings must match one or more of these conditions: 

    Error(15744): ( VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 0_9V ) 

    Error(15744): And the following assignments violate the above conditions: 

    Error(15744): VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 1_0V

    Error(15744): In atom 'av_top|alt_e40_0|pma_40g|s10_native_phy|s10_xcvr_10g_4channel|g_xcvr_native_insts[0].ct2_xcvr_native_inst|inst_ct2_xcvr_channel_multi|gen_rev.ct2_xcvr_channel_inst|gen_ct1_hssi_cr2_pma_tx_buf.inst_ct1_hssi_cr2_pma_tx_buf'

    Error(15744): The settings must match one or more of these conditions:  Error(15744): ( VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 1_0V ) 

    Error(15744): But the following assignments violate the above conditions:  Error(15744): VCCR_GXB/VCCT_GXB == 1_1V

    Error(12274): A critical error occurred while the periphery placement was committed to the atom netlist. The atom netlist is now invalid and the Fitter must be restarted.  


    This problem has been fixed in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 18.0.1 and 18.1.


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