Industry Collaboration Drives Tech Innovations in Agriculture

The Snohomish County 5G Food Resiliency project has launched with support from Intel and partners of the 5G Open Innovation Lab.

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The Snohomish County 5G Food Resiliency project has launched with support from Intel and partners of the 5G Open Innovation Lab. The project resulted in the first application development field lab for the agricultural industry. The project in Washington will develop commercial use cases to work with farmers on new 5G, edge and cloud technologies that can be used today.

Intel, a founding member of the 5G Open Innovation Lab, believes public, private and community partnerships are important to push beyond what’s possible and expand the horizons of technology to enrich the lives of every person on Earth.

Established through an economic development initiative, the 5G Food Resiliency project is funded by a grant through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. It establishes a virtual and physical space for Snohomish County food growers and distributors to collaborate with technology companies to develop new capabilities that will improve the resiliency of Snohomish County’s agriculture sector and minimize future food service disruptions for consumers and regional agribusiness.

“As the leading network silicon provider, we are passionately committed to ushering in the full potential of 5G and edge by supporting a range of industries including ones that power our societal fabric, like agriculture,” said Caroline Chan, vice president of the Data Center Group and general manager of the Network Business Incubator Division at Intel. “This first-of-its-kind field lab is showcasing the benefits of 5G-to-farm-to-table and is a strong example of how industry collaboration can drive innovations that address both business and human challenges.”

The foundation of the field lab is a dynamic testing platform with dedicated access to a 5G-capable, Citizens Broadband Radio Service LTE private network through co-development access points. It provides an open, robust environment for developers to create and test precision agriculture and food supply logistics applications using 5G network infrastructure. Intel worked in close partnership with the other founders to architect the infrastructure. The lab utilizes a server based on Intel® Xeon® processors, which provides a cloud-native environment that ultimately allows farmers to easily consume these new apps and services in areas previously underserved by cloud computing. It also utilizes the Intel® Smart Edge platform to host multiple workloads, including 5G functions and third-party applications.

Intel is passionate about helping the industry realize the full potential of 5G and edge to unlock value for people, business and society on a global scale. Working alongside the industry, Intel brings its technology, software and expertise from edge to core to cloud. This field lab is an excellent example of the type of industry collaboration that is so important to innovate in entirely new ways.

“I am personally excited to see how this lab can help further accelerate development and testing of new applications and services for agricultural and industrial use cases in rural areas and beyond,” Chan said.

More: 5G Open Innovation Lab Launches First Application Development Field Lab for the Agricultural Industry Providing Access to Real-Time Data for Food Resiliency, Supply Chain Logistics | 5G & Communications News at Intel