Equipment Provider

Industry: Manufacturing |  Available Territories: People’s Republic of China, Asia, Pacific and Japan

About This Partner and Product

  • Product Name: X-SIGHT 3D Machine Vision Welding Solution

  • Targeted Geographies: People’s Republic of China, Asia, Pacific and Japan

  • Industry: Manufacturing

  • Competency: Object Recognition



Wuxi Xinje Electric Co., Ltd

XINJE specializes in the development and application of industrial automation products. The company has four product lines, including digital products, drive products, machine vision, and robots, that provide a package of solutions for industrial automation and intelligentization.

About the Product

X-SIGHT 3D Machine Vision Welding Solution

This solution has integrated products and technologies to achieve automatic visual recognition and guidance of industrial welding, which can help manufacturing enterprises improve quality and efficiency, reduce reliance on highly skilled workers and advanced robot programmers, and significantly lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a welding operation.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel Components: Intel® Core™ i5 Processors, Intel® Atom™ Processors, Intel® FPGA