Cloud Service Provider

Industry: Retail | Available Territories: People's Republic of China, Asia, Pacific & Japan

About This Partner and Product

  • Product: JD Starlink Smart Retail Platform

  • Targeted Geographies: People's Republic of China, Asia, Pacific & Japan

  • Industry: Retail

  • Competency: All


By, Inc. is China’s leading one-stop e-commerce platform, provides over 360 million active customers with direct access to an unrivalled range of high-quality products, helping local and international brands tap into China’s fast-growing e-commerce market.

About the Product

JD Starlink Smart Retail Platform

Currently deployed in 10,000+ offline stores across China, JD StarLink* integrates over 1,000 unique technologies and applications. The solution leverages’s partnership with the Open Retail Initiative (ORI) and Intel’s edge computing technologies like OpenVINO and Myriad X. JD StarLink* enables instant communication between instore smart devices, creating a seamless shopping experience for consumers and streamlined data management for retailers.

Powered By: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel component: Intel® Movidius™ Myriad X VPU, Intel® Core™ i7 Processors  and  Intel® Core™ i9 Processors