Irida Labs:

About this Partner and Product

  • Product Name:

  • Partner Specialty: Software Provider

  • Industry: Manufacturing

  • Use Case: Asset & Operations Optimization, Logistics & Tracking

  • Available Markets: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Japan



Irida Labs

Irida Labs bases AI on RGB or 3DToF sensors, providing in-store analytics such as customer counting and tracking, dwell times and area heatmapping, inventory management and service times.

About the Product* is an end-to-end AI software and services platform that supports the full Vision-AI product lifecycle.* integrates machine learning models for people, vehicles, or any type of object detection together with vision system design, data management and ready to use deployment tools for on-device intelligence.* enables the creation of vision-based AIoT sensors and solutions with optimum performance, low cost and reduced time to market.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit

Additional Resources:

Irida Labs with Intel Technology Enables High-Powered, Vision-Based AIoT Solutions - Read the solution brief