Equipment Provider

Industry: Manufacturing | Available Territories: People’s Republic of China, Asia, Pacific and Japan

About This Partner and Product

  • Product Name: Intelligent Vision Processing System

  • Targeted Geographies: People’s Republic of China, Asia, Pacific and Japan

  • Industry: Manufacturing

  • Competency: Object Detection



Chengdu Apuqi Technology Co., Ltd

Apuqi focuses on the field of intelligent manufacturing and is committed to providing intelligent computing and Internet of Things solutions for industrial and industrial users. With more than 30 industry core patents, product solutions covering MES, and industries such as vision, edge computing, and medical inspection.

About the Product

Intelligent Vision Processing System

The IVPS* (Intelligent Vision Processing System) is based on image processing technology, equipped with efficient and stable visual algorithm library, to achieve high-speed image reading and stable processing functions. The product adopts plug-in module management of equipment and algorithm, which has good expansibility and compatibility. The system mainly provides intelligent gap service for the production process in industrial manufacturing, And realizes many visual detection functions, such as target positioning, quality defect detection.

Powered by: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit

Intel Components: Intel® Core™  Processors