GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Status Registers

Address: Offset 0x6

This address contains the PCI Command and Status Registers.

Table 92.  Status Register Description
Bit Location Description Attributes Default
3:0 Reserved RO 0
4 Indicates the presence of PCI Extended Capabilities. This bit is hardwired to 1. RO 1
7:5 Reserved RO 0

Master Data Parity Error.

The device sets this bit when:
  1. It has received a Poisoned completion from the link directed at this Virtual Function, or
  2. this Virtual Function has sent a Poisoned request on the link.

The Parity Error Response enable bit of the PCI Command Register of the parent Physical Function must be set to 1 to enable the setting of this bit. This bit remains 0 when the Parity Error Response enable bit of the parent PF is 0.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into the bit position.

RW1C 0
10:9 Reserved RO 0

Signaled Target Abort.

The device sets this bit when this Virtual Function has sent a Completion to the link with the Completer Abort status.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into this bit position.

RW1C 0

Received Target Abort.

The device sets this bit when it has received a Completion from the link with the Completer Abort status, directed at this Virtual Function.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into this bit position.

RW1C 0

Received Master Abort.

The device sets this bit when it has received a Completion from the link with the Unsupported Request (UR) status, targeted at this Virtual Function.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into this bit position.

RW1C 0

Signaled System Error.

The Virtual Function sets this bit when it has sent out a Fatal or Non-Fatal error message on the link to the Root Complex. The SERR Enable bit of the PCI Command Register of the parent Physical Function must be set to enable the setting of this bit.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into this bit position.

RW1C 0

Detected Parity Error.

The Virtual Function sets this bit when it has received a Poisoned TLP from the link.

This bit is cleared by writing a 1 into this bit position.

RW1C 0