Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Third-party Simulation

ID 683870
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.6. Supported Simulation Types

You can run different types of simulation, depending on the stage of the Quartus® Prime design flow:

Table 4.  Supported Simulation Types
Simulation Type Description Occurs
RTL Simulation of an RTL design consisting of one or more RTL files that you provide as input to the Quartus® Prime software. These RTL files typically also include the files that the Quartus® Prime Platform Designer generates for Intel® FPGA IP and systems. You can only simulate HDL RTL files.2. The RTL files can instantiate low level blocks, such as primitives, basic IP functions, and ATOMs, as Quartus Prime Simulation Library describes. Can perform before Quartus® Prime Synthesis
Post-Synthesis Simulation (Gate-Level) The Quartus® Prime software can generate a Verilog HDL or VHDL gate-level netlist after the synthesis stage completes, but before the Fitter stage runs. The resulting netlist is the post-synthesis netlist. The Quartus® Prime EDA Netlist Writer tool generates the post-synthesis netlist. The post-synthesis netlist is a netlist of low level blocks called ATOMs. The post-synthesis netlist is a purely functional netlist. Must perform after Quartus® Prime synthesis
Post-Fit Simulation (Gate-Level) The Quartus® Prime EDA Netlist Writer can generate a Verilog HDL or VHDL gate-level netlist after the Fitter stage completes. The resulting netlist is the post-fit netlist. The post-fit netlist is a netlist of ATOMs that the Fitter placed and routed on the FPGA device. The post-fit netlist is a purely functional netlist.
Note: The post-fit netlist includes chip locations of ATOM instances in commented lines. The post-synthesis netlist does not include this data.
Must perform after Quartus® Prime Fitter
Note: the Quartus® Prime software supports post-fit functional simulation, but does not support post-fit timing simulation.
2 You must first convert the non-HDL files to HDL files prior to simulation