Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 11/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.3.3. System Explorer Pane

The System Explorer pane displays a list of interactive instances from the design loaded on a connected device. This includes the following items:
  • IP instances with debug toolkit capabilities
  • IP instances with a debug endpoint
Figure 124. System Explorer Pane

Additionally, the System Explorer also displays custom toolkit groups and links that you create. System Explorer organizes the interactive instances according to the available device connections. The System Explorer contains a Links instance, and may contain a Files instance. The Links instance shows debug agents (and other hardware) that System Console can access. The Files instance contains information about the programming files loaded from the Quartus® Prime project for the device.

The System Explorer provides the following information:

  • Devices—displays information about all devices connected to the System Console.
  • Scripts—stores scripts for easy execution.
  • Connections—displays information about the board connections visible to System Console, such as the Intel® FPGA Download Cable. Multiple connections are possible.
  • Designs—displays information about Quartus® Prime designs connected to System Console. Each design represents a loaded .sof file.
  • Right-click on some of the instances to execute related commands.
  • Instances that include a message display a message icon. Click on the instance to view the messages in the Messages pane.