Select different parameters to create an IP core suitable for your design.
- In Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition,create a new project that targets a Intel® Arria® 10 device.
- In IP Catalog, click on .
The Intel® Arria® 10 Native Floating-Point DSP IP Core IP parameter editor opens.
- In the New IP Variation dialog box, enter an Entity Name and click OK.
- Under Parameters, select the DSP Template and the View you want for your IP core
- In the DSP Block View, toggle the clock or reset of each valid register.
- For Multiply Add or Vector Mode 1, click on the Chain In multiplexer in the GUI to select input from chainin port or Ax port.
- Click the Adder symbol in the GUI to select addition or subtraction.
- Click on the Chain Out multiplexer in the GUI to enable chainout port.
- Click Generate HDL.
- Click Finish.