Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition: Best Practices Guide

ID 683521
Date 6/21/2022

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Document Table of Contents Splitting Execution and Data Post Processing

By default, the Profiler Runtime Wrapper automatically runs a post-processing step on your profile.mon monitor file to produce a readable profile.json file. In some situations, the post-processing step may take longer time than expected. Because of this, you can choose to separate the execution and data post-processing step into two separate manual steps. To do this, use the --no-json and --no-run <path to profile.mon file> Profiler Runtime Wrapper options.
  • The --no-json flag only runs your host application and produces a profile.mon monitor file, without post-processing.
  • The --no-run <path to profile.mon file> flag does not invoke your host application, instead, just calls the post-processing step on the supplied profile.mon file.
    The Profiler Runtime Wrapper’s --no-run flow is not backwards compatible for profile.mon files created using a runtime version earlier than Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ version 20.3.