Security User Guide: Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA

ID 683453
Date 3/06/2020
Document Table of Contents

3.10.3. Signing Operation Flow

A PACSign command that invokes the PKCS #11 manager plugin initializes it with the configuration file name.
PACSign performs insertion of authentication blocks into the bitstream, signed by the root and code signing keys. The resultant signed bitstream is written to the specified output file.

PACSign requests that the HSM manager retrieve the public key X and Y values for the root key and the code signing key. The HSM manager returns the R and S signature over PACSign-provided 256-bit hash values using the root key and code signing key. The following code snippet demonstrates how PACSign utilizes the HSM manager.

self.pub_root_key_c = self.hsm_manager.get_public_key(args.root_key)
common_util.assert_in_error(self.pub_root_key_c, \ 
	"Cannot retrieve root public key")
		self.pub_root_key = self.pub_root_key_c.get_X_Y()
		self.pub_root_key_perm = self.pub_root_key_c.get_permission()
		self.pub_root_key_id = self.pub_root_key_c.get_ID()
		self.pub_root_key_type = self.pub_root_key_c.get_content_type()

self.pub_CSK_c = self.hsm_manager.get_public_key(args.code_signing_key)
common_util.assert_in_error(self.pub_CSK_c != None, \ 
	"Cannot retrieve public CSK")
		self.pub_CSK = self.pub_CSK_c.get_X_Y()
		self.pub_CSK_perm = self.pub_CSK_c.get_permission()
		self.pub_CSK_id = self.pub_CSK_c.get_ID()
		self.pub_CSK_type = self.pub_CSK_c.get_content_type()

sha = sha256(
rs = self.hsm_manager.sign(sha, args.code_signing_key)
sha = sha256(
rs = self.hsm_manager.sign(sha, args.root_key)