Stratix® 10 Power Management User Guide

ID 683418
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.2.1. SmartVID Standard Power Devices

The SmartVID feature compensates for process variation by narrowing the process distribution using voltage adaptation. This feature is supported in devices with the –V standard power option only. For the –V standard power option devices, you must connect the PWRMGT_SCL and PWRMGT_SDA pins in both the Power Management BUS (PMBus™) master and PMBus slave modes. An additional PWRMGT_ALERT pin is required when you configure the Stratix® 10 device in the PMBus slave mode. All connections required must be set up on the circuit board and in the Quartus® Prime software.

For more information about how to connect these pins on the circuit board, refer to the Stratix® 10 Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines.

For instructions to set up the connection in the Quartus® Prime software, refer to the Specifying Parameters and Options section.

Note: Stratix® 10 standard power devices (–1V, –2V, –3V power grade) are SmartVID devices. The core voltage supplies (VCC and VCCP) for each SmartVID device must be driven by a PMBus-compliant voltage regulator dedicated to the Stratix® 10 –V device that is connected to that Stratix® 10 device via PMBus. For Stratix® 10 standard power devices, use of a PMBus-compliant voltage regulator for each device is mandatory. Stratix® 10 devices cannot configure or function correctly if the core voltage is driven by a non-PMBus compliant regulator with a fixed output voltage.

Altera programs the optimum voltage level required by each individual Stratix® 10 device into a fuse block during device manufacturing. The Secure Device Manager (SDM) Power Manager reads these values and can communicate them to an external power regulator or a system power controller through the PMBus interface.

The SmartVID feature allows a power regulator to provide the Stratix® 10 device with VCC and VCCP voltage levels that maintain the performance of the specific device speed grade. When the SmartVID feature is used:

  1. Stratix® 10 devices are initially powered up to a nominal voltage level of 0.9 V for both VCC and VCCP .
  2. After the VID-fused value in the Stratix® 10 device is determined and propagated to the external voltage regulator, both the VCC and VCCP voltages are regulated based on the VID-fused value.