Hyperflex® Architecture High-Performance Design Handbook

ID 683353
Date 12/06/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.2.2. Running Design Assistant in Analysis Mode

You can launch Design Assistant in analysis mode directly from the Timing Analyzer or Chip Planner to rapidly run the specific rule checks that relate to those tools. For example, when you launch Design Assistant from the Chip Planner, Design Assistant is preset to check only a subset of the FLP (floorplanning) Design Assistant rules.

Similarly, when you launch Design Assistant from the Timing Analyzer, Design Assistant is preset to check only a subset of rules that are helpful during timing analysis. You can cross-probe to the Timing Analyzer and design visualization tools to determine the root cause of violations.

When you enable or specify parameters for a rule check in analysis mode, those specifications do not apply to running Design Assistant in compilation mode. The rule settings for analysis mode are independent from the rule settings in compilation mode.