Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Settings File Reference Manual

ID 683296
Date 9/26/2022

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Specifies the input transition time. This assignment is used in Quartus to adjust the timing of the I/O buffers for all families that support AIOT. It is also used when generating the PrimeTime script that it is used by the HardCopy back end. This assignment gets converted as a set_input_transition SDC command. If the assignment does not exist, Quartus will generate a set_input_transition using 80% of VCCN * 1V/ns where VCCN depends on the I/O Standard used



Device Support

  • Intel® Arria® 10
  • Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX
  • Intel® Stratix® 10


This assignment supports wildcards.

This assignment is copied to any duplicated nodes.


		set_instance_assignment -name INPUT_TRANSITION_TIME -to <to> -entity <entity name> <value>