Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints

ID 683143
Date 8/07/2024
Document Table of Contents Report HSSI Channels

Generate reports about HSSI channels in the interface plan. Right-click any cell type to place, unplace, or report connectivity or location information.
Table 14.  Report Channel Commands
Command Description
Report All Placed HSSI Channels Generates the Placed HSSI Channels report. This report lists the name, parent, type, and location of all placed HSSI RX/TX channels in the interface plan.
Report All Unplaced HSSI Channels Generates the Unplaced HSSI Channels report. This report lists the name, parent, type, and location of all unplaced HSSI RX/TX channels in the interface plan.
Figure 27. Unplaced HSSI Channels Report