System Console and Toolkit Tcl Command Reference Manual

ID 683101
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.1. Command Summary

Returns Command Arguments
no return value add_channel <channel-name> <channel-type>
no return value add_display_item <parent-group> <id> <type> [<args>]
no return value add_parameter <name> <type> [<value> <description>]
no return value add_requirement <req-id> <req-type>
no return value add_timed_callback <proc> <interval>
String get_accessible_module [-hpath <hpath>] [-module_name <module-name>] [-version <version>] <req-id>
String[] get_accessible_modules [-hpath <hpath>] [-module_name <module-name>] [-version <version>] <req-id>
String get_accessible_service [-hpath <hpath>] [-type <type>] [-agent_type_name <agent-type-name>] <req-id>
String[] get_accessible_services [-hpath <hpath>] [-type <type>] [-agent_type_name <agent-type-name>] <req-id>
String get_accessible_system [-hpath <hpath>] [-design_id <design-id>] <req-id>
String get_channel_display_group <channel>
various get_channel_property <channel-name> <property>
String get_display_hint <id> <display-hint>
various get_display_item_property <id> <display-item-property>
String get_eye_viewer_display_group <channel>
various get_parameter_property <name> <property>
String get_parameter_value <name>
String get_toolkit_property <prop>
no return value remove_timed_callback <proc>
no return value send_message <level> <message>
no return value set_channel_property <channel-name> <property> <property-value>
no return value set_current_progress <progress>
no return value set_display_hint <id> <display-hint> <value>
no return value set_display_item_property <id> <display-property> <display-property-value>
no return value set_eye_data <rows>
no return value set_eye_property <property> <value>
no return value set_parameter_property <name> <property> <value>
no return value set_parameter_update_callback <name> <callback> [<opt-arg>]
no return value set_parameter_value <name> <value>
no return value set_requirement_property <req-id> <property-name> <property-values>
no return value set_toolkit_property <prop> <value>
boolean stop_requested