Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Deleting Design Assistant Waivers

To fully remove (delete) any Design Assistant waivers that are no longer useful, delete the waiver in the Design Assistant Manage Waivers dialog box.
Design Assistant Manage Waivers Dialog Box
  1. Right-click a rule violation with a waiver, and click Waivers > Manage Waivers.
  2. In the Design Assistant Manager Waivers dialog box, select the waiver you want to delete under All waivers for rule.
  3. Click the Delete Waiver button to delete the waiver.

As an alternative to the GUI, you can also create and modify Design Assistant waivers by editing the Design Assistant Waivers File (da_drc.dawf), or by using Tcl commands within an interactive Tcl shell. The da_drc.dawf stores the waiver definitions you specify in the GUI. To avoid unintended results, do not edit the da_drc.dawf file while Compiler processes are running.

Figure 45. Deleting Waiver from Design Waivers File