Visible to Intel only — GUID: uvj1540272395957
Visible to Intel only — GUID: uvj1540272395957
B. RSU Status and Error Codes
Field | Description |
current_image | Location of currently running image in flash. |
failed_image | Address of failed image. |
error_details | Opaque error code, with no meaning to users. |
error_location | Location of error in the image that failed. |
state | State of RSU system. |
version | RSU interface version and error source. |
retry counter | Current value of the retry counter. |
The failed_image, error_details, error_location, state fields and the error_source bit field of the version field have a sticky behavior: they are set when an error occurs, then they are not updated on subsequent errors, and they are cleared when one of the following events occur: POR, nCONFIG, a specific image is loaded, or the error status is specifically cleared from either U-Boot or Linux.
Bit Field | Bits | Description |
major_error_code | 31:16 | Major error code, see below for possible values. |
minor_error_code | 15:0 | Minor error code, opaque value |
The following major error codes are defined:
Major Error Code | Description |
The minor error code is typically an opaque value, with no meaning for you. The only exception is for the case where the major error code is 0xF006 (HPS_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT), in which case the minor error code is the value reported by the HPS to SDM through the RSU Notify command before the watchdog timeout occurred.
Major Error Code | Minor Error Code | Description |
0xF004 | 0xD00F | Decision firmware data was corrupted, factory image was loaded. |
0xF004 | 0xD010 | Configuration pointer block 0 was corrupted, configuration pointer block 1 was used instead. |
0xF004 | 0xD011 | Both configuration blocks 0 and 1 were corrupted, factory image was loaded. |
For a more complete list of possible error codes, refer to the Appendix: CONFIG_STATUS and RSU_STATUS Error Code Descriptions appendix in the Mailbox Client Intel® FPGA IP User Guide.
Bit Field | Bits | Description |
current_dcmf_index | 31:28 | Index of the decision firmware copy that was used last time. Possible values: 0,1,2,3. Only available starting with Quartus® Prime version 19.4. |
error_source | 27:16 | Source of the recorded error:
acmf_version | 15:8 | Current image firmware RSU interface version. Only available starting with Quartus® Prime version 19.3. |
dcmf_version | 7:0 | Decision firmware RSU interface version. Only available starting with Quartus® Prime version 19.3. |
- Trying an image multiple times (max retry).
- Querying and resetting the retry counter.
- Clearing the error status.
- Determining which DCMF copy was last used, from the current_dcmf_index field.