Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767253
Date 7/13/2023

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Convert Projects to Use a Selected Compiler

You can use the command-line interface ICProjConvert<version>.exe to transform your Intel® C++ projects into Microsoft Visual C++ projects, or vice versa. The syntax is:

ICProjConvert<version>.exe <sln_file | prj_files> </VC[:"VCtoolset name"] | /IC[:"ICtoolset name"]> [/q] [/nologo] [/msvc] [/s] [/f]





The ICProjConvert version number. Values are: 191 or 192.


A path to the solution file, which should be modified to use a specified project system.


A space separated list of project files (or wildcard), which should be modified to use specified project system.


Convert to use the Microsoft Visual C++ project system.

VCtoolset name

The possible values are v141 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2017), v142 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2019), or v143 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2022).

Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is deprecated as of the Intel® oneAPI 2022.1 release, and will be removed in a future release.


Convert to use the Intel® C++ project system.

ICtoolset name

Such as Intel C++ Compiler 2021.1

Depending on the integration version, the supported name values may be different.


Starts quiet mode, all information messages (except errors) are hidden.


Suppresses the startup banner.


Sets the compiler to Microsoft Visual C++.


Searches the project files through all subdirectories.


Forces an update to the project even if it has an unsupported type or unsupported properties.

/? or /h

Shows help.


To convert all Intel® C++ project files to use Microsoft Visual C++ in your current directory and its subdirectories, use the command:

ICProjConvert<version>.exe *.icproj /s /VC

If you uninstall the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, ICProjConvert<version>.exe remains in the folder Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\shared files\ia32\Bin. You can use it to transform Intel® C++ projects back into Microsoft Visual C++.