Platform Not Authorized Message

ID 662874
Updated 10/12/2017
Version Latest



Issue Description

When attempting to use 2016 products such as VTune Amplifier with a floating license, you may encounter errors such as:

(License server does not support this feature (-18,327))
(This platform not authorized by license (-89,337))

This error is caused by an outdated license server.


Login to the Intel® Registration Center to download the latest license server. 

Note:  The registered owner of the license must log in; other registered users do not get access to the license server download.

  1. Log in to the Intel® Registration Center.
  2. In your supported products list, look for the entry for Intel® Software License Manager and click the version number next to it.  You will be taken to the download page for the Intel® Software License Manager.
  3. In the Platform box on the right, select the operating system for your license server, then download the appropriate package for your license server.
  4. Install the new license server software on your license server.
  5. Ensure that the new license server software is running on the license server.

This should resolve the error.  If not, see our Get Help page for your support options.