Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) 2020 update 4 (October 2020).
MKLD-13038 | Fixed the issue about CBWR not being enabled properly in the latest Intel CPUs. |
MKLD-10210 | Fixed SIZE mismatch error when using the -check_mpi linking flag produced by cluster_sparse_solver. |
MKLD-10096 | Improved RNG by adding additional checks. |
MKLD-10003 | Fixed memory allocation behavior on macOS*. |
MKLD-9576 | Extended Intel® MKL Wrappers support for Open MPI v 4.*. |
MKLD-9563 | Fixed segfault in CPardiso produced during the factorization phase. |
MKLD-9530 | Fixed SparseQR failure at reorder stage. |
MKLD-9086 | Fixed TEXT REALLOCATION in Intel® MKL which prevents to use from docker enabled distribution. |
MKLD-8168 | Fixed linking warnings generated while static linking of Intel® MKL |
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) 2020 update 2 (July 2020).
MKLD-9780 | Fixed issue with Intel® MKL SGEMM (Intel® AVX512) under performing Intel® MKL sgemv (Intel® AVX2). |
MKLD-9720 | Fixed incorrect Eigensolver examples. |
MKLD-9713 | Improved Eigensolver examples. |
MKLD-9664 | Fixed no const keyword for '*beta' of DSYR2K in mkl_blas.h. |
MKLD-9570 | Fixed unstable Intel® MKL Benchmark above 290 threads. |
MKLD-9504 | Fixed Intel® MKL ERROR: Parameter 15 was incorrect on entry to PCGEEVX. |
MKLD-9492 | Improved mkl_link_tool.exe should be return back for classical version of MKL. |
MKLD-9485 | Fixed Parallel Direct Sparse Solver for Clusters(CLUSTER_SPARSE_SOLVER) crash at the phase 11 with iparm[2] = 10, iparm[10] = iparm[12] = 0 parameters. |
MKLD-9180 | Fixed missed "fftw_alloc_complex" symbols. |
MKLD-9066 | Fixed segmentation fault with Intel® MKL Pardiso i_malloc. |
MKLD-9064 | Fixed Parameter error for CBLAS_ZGEMMT with CblasConjTrans. |
MKLD-8660 | Fixed Data race problem(s) with SpBLAS (mkl_sparse_sp2m). |
MKLD-8512 | Fixed Data Fitting Data Races reported by Intel® Inspector. |
MKLD-8345 | Fixed Intel® MKL Verbose mode which doesn't work with ?DTSVB routine. |
MKLD-8196 | Fixed memory leakage with MKL_SPARSE_D_MV in the case when lined with Intel® TBB layer. |
MKLD-8054 | Fixed duplicated value in VSL error. |
MKLD-9477 | Fixed input array isuppz reference even when jobz parameter is not set to 'V' contrary. |
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) 2020 update 1 (March 2020).
MKLD-3773 | Fixed issue: Intel® MKL Pardiso - extra RHS allocation - SIZE*NRHS*sizeof(datatype) for each OpenMP thread causing unnecessary memory usage. |
MKLD-4084 | Fixed issue: Intel® MKL was searching for dlls in the application process path regardless of where they actually were, resulting in dlls not found. |
MKLD-8082 | Fixed issue: in Intel® MKL 2019.4, dfeast_[s,h]csrgv produced segmentation fault error due to an error in the verifier of positive define matrix in FEAST. |
MKLD-8252 | Issue fixed: Incorrect initialization for MKL_SPARSE_D_QR_REORDER in the case of a diagonal matrix was causing exit status 2. |
MKLD-8253 | Issue fixed: MKL_SPARSE_D_QR_REORDER was returning returns SPARSE_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED when input matrix contained either a zero-row or a zero-column. |
MKLD-8424 | Docs fixed: Documentation for mkl_?omatcopy2 transpose was incorrect, causing incorrect results. |
MKLD-8649 | Docs fixed: Documentation for LaPack storage scheme row-major layout formula was incorrect. |
MKLD-8757 | Issue fixed: ?geev was allocating an extra row/column in the working array. |
MKLD-8776 | Issue fixed: mkl_zcscmv and mkl_sparse_z_mv produced different results in Intel® MKL 2019.5. |
MKLD-9118 | Fixed issue: Loading mkl_core.dll from Intel® MKL 2020 resets the DLL search order, breaking any application relying on the DLL search order set by SetDllDirectory. |
MKLD-9146 | Not a defect: It can appear that avx512_xsgemv takes longer than the intrinsic functions "avx2_sparse_sgemv_accum16" and "avx512_sparse_sgemv_accum16". However, this is due to function overhead when using verbose. |
Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) 2020 (December 2019).
MKLD-3727 | Fixed the issue "Cluster Intel® MKL Pardiso OOC mode doesn't work for nonsymmetric matrices when IPARM (11) and IPARM(13) are activated." |
MKLD-3733 | Fixed the issue MKL_SPARSE_D_GV returns SPARSE_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED=2. |
MKLD-3801 | Fixed the issue Intel MKL CNR strict support in the case of different number of threads. |
MKLD-3857 | Fixed the issue Cluster_sparse_solver fails when MPI version of the nested dissection and symbolic factorization algorithms is used. |
MKLD-3907 | Removed PGI Support Notes. |
MKLD-3940 | Fixed the unhandle exception issue when using SparseQR. |
MKLD-3958 | Added Intel® MKL 2019 to the Intel® Link Line Advisor tool. |
MKLD-3966 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso cannot being interrupted with mkl_progress function. |
MKLD-3971 | Fixed the issue Windows Loader deadlock when loading Intel(R) MKL. |
MKLD-3975 | Fixed the issue MKL_SPARSE_D_MV returns "Intel MKL ERROR: CPU 1 is not supported" when MKL_CBWR=COMPATIBLE. |
MKLD-3981 | Fixed the issue TREVC3 returns Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 14. |
MKLD-3998 | Fixed the issue Intel MKL in mxnet hangs on Mac* OS. |
MKLD-3999 | Fixed the issue LAPACKE_SSYEVD fails when upper triangular part of the matrix is filled with random numbers. |
MKLD-4014 | Fixed the issue Intel MKL doesn't limit the number of threads in case MKL_NUM_THREADS is set. |
MKLD-4033 | Fixed the issue "LNK2005: _POWF already defined in libmmt.lib". |
MKLD-4044 | Fixed the issue DORMQR returns "Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 12 was incorrect on entry" |
MKLD-4045 | Fixed the issue DGEEVX crashes on the exit of the application. |
MKLD-4052 | Fixed the issue The Executable FFT code size increased around of 2x from MKL versions 11.3.3 to 19.1. |
MKLD-4069 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso, schur complement method accuracy is not enough. |
MKLD-4084 | Fixed the issue MKL Libraries mkl _ *. Dll have to load their dependence on the absolute path of the folder where the DLL itself is located. |
MKLD-4123 | Fixed the issue MKL FFTW produces non-identical outputs. |
MKLD-4176 | Fixed the issue MKL_SPARSE_SPMM returns wrong results when small matrices multiply large matrices. |
MKLD-4217 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso reports the "error PARDISO: iterative refinement, contraction rate is greater than 0.9" problem. |
MKLD-4235 | Fixed the issue MKL_SPARSE_?_TRSM didn't check the format of the Input matrix. |
MKLD-7629 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso returns NaN in theo solution when the input matrix is ill-conditioned. |
MKLD-7663 | Fixed the issue MKL_SPARSE_ORDER is too slow. |
MKLD-7744 | Fixed the issue ?SYEVX routines produce wrong results when using threading. |
MKLD-7820 | Fixed the issue LAPACKE_DSYEV returns wrong results when using the row-major layout. |
MKLD-7851 | Fixed the issue FFT generates Floating Point Exception. |
MKLD-7875 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso 2019.3 produces segmentation fault when parallel factorization control is used. |
MKLD-7891 | Fixed the issue Intel® MKL Pardiso parallel factorization control (iparm(23)) causes segmentation fault error. |
MKLD-8114 | Fixed the issue DGESVD performance issue when running in 64bit vs ia32 systems with AVX2 code branch. |
MKLD-8278 | Fixed the issue DGECON shows 2x performance degradation in 2019.4 vs 2018.1. |
MKLD-8357 | Fixed the issue ?GTSV - erratum into parameter description. |
MKLD-8364 | Fixed the issue Static MKL Build fails in INtime RTOS. |
MKLD-8369 | Fixed the issue SPARSE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED exit status in mkl_sparse_sp2m with symmetric sparse matrices. |
MKLD-8384 | Fixed the issue Inconsistent C definition of ?gelsd function. |
MKLD-8498 | Fixed the MKL_SPARSE_S_QR parameter order of columns and x. |
MKLD-8650 | Fixed the MKL_SPARSE_SP2M description. |
MKLD-8686 | Fixed the MKL_SPARSE_?_ADD - Application Notes. |