Intel Software Guard Extensions Tutorial Series update: a new SDK version and a brief intermission

ID 662727
Updated 11/9/2016
Version Latest



An update to the Windows version of the Intel Software Guard Extensions SDK was just posted to the Developer Zone. This new release, version 1.7, adds Visual Studio Professional 2015 Update 3 to the list of supported Microsoft IDE's and the Intel SGX Tutorial Series will take a brief break to retool for the new development environment. My goal is to have the next release posted before the end of November. This is also a good time to integrate the Tutorial Password Manager's GUI with the core code base.

I apologize for the delay, but I feel it is important to move the tutorial series to the most recent toolkit (at least while it is being actively developed). I will also validate the code samples already released to date, and update any that have serious build issues.

Thank you for your patience!