Advanced Rendering with Intel® Open PGL and Chaos*

Code Together Podcast | Episode 48
February 23, 2023

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Animated films and video games continually showcase the amazing advances in computer graphics technologies. But like most other technologies, there's always room for improvement.

In this conversation, three rendering and ray tracing experts from Intel and Chaos discuss path guiding, one of the latest enhancements for rendering complex, realistic lighting effects. Tune in to hear the challenges inherent in light exploration and how a new integration between the Intel® Open Path Guiding Library (Intel® Open PGL) and Chaos V-Ray* 3D rendering and simulation engine is helping developers increase lighting realism, reduce more noise, and save rendering time.

Get the Software

Download Intel Open PGL as a stand-alone component or as part of the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit, a suite of advanced open source ray tracing libraries available for free.