Intel® VTune™ Profiler - Platform Profiler Transition

ID 819229
Updated 3/25/2024
Version 2024.1



Intel VTune Profiler - Platform Profiler (VPP) Transition

The Platform Profiler capabilities in Intel® VTune™ Profiler will be transitioned to the EMON command line interface.

Starting with Intel VTune Profiler 2024.0 release, the Platform Profiler feature became a separate download and will be discontinued in a later release. The Platform Profiler standalone packages for both Windows and Linux can be installed from the Intel Registration Center.

For any issues installing the standalone Platform Profiler packages, please post to the Community Support Forum.

EMON Description

Event Monitoring (EMON) is a powerful command-line tool for profiling application and system performance. The tool provides developers the flexibility to specify hardware events and attributes of interest. Specifically, EMON leverages counters from hardware Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) to collect performance monitoring events.

Users have the option of specifying hardware events and attributes. EMON allocates and configures the required event resources in the PMU to retrieve event counts from the processor core and uncore. The tool collects the number of occurrences of selected events for the duration of collection.

How to Use EMON

See the EMON User’s Guide for EMON command line arguments and syntax and usage examples.

How To Access EMON

EMON is installed with VTune in the following paths




If VTune was installed as root, EMON will be located in the following path:




C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\vtune\2024.0\bin64\emon.exe