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Using Accelerated Offload Connection Load Balance in Istio

Learn how to use accelerated offload connection balance with Istio

  • Great performance improvements in high traffic scenarios

  • Used in cloud native service mesh

  • Showcases the combination of hardware and software



What is connection load balance?

Load balancing is a core networking solution used to distribute traffic across multiple servers in a server farm. Load balancers improve application availability and responsiveness and prevent server overload. Each load balancer sits between client devices and backend servers, receiving and then distributing incoming requests to any available server capable of fulfilling them.

A common web server usually has multiple workers (processors or threads). If many clients connect to a single worker, that worker becomes busy and brings big tail latency while other workers run in the free state, affecting the performance of web server. Connection load balance is the solution for this situation, which is also known as connection balance.

What does Istio do for connection load balance?

Istio uses Envoy as the data plane.

Kernel does not balance connections for the applications, so Envoy provides a connection load balance implementation called Exact connection balance. As its name says, a lock is held during balancing so that connection counts are nearly exactly balanced between workers. It is "nearly" exact in the sense that a connection might close in parallel thus making the counts incorrect, but this should be rectified on the next accept. This balancer sacrifices accept throughput for accuracy and should be used when there are a small number of connections that rarely cycle, e.g., service mesh gRPC egress.

Obviously, it is not suitable for an ingress gateway since an ingress gateway accepts thousands of connections within a short time, and the resource cost from the lock brings a big drop in throughput.

Now, Envoy has integrated Intel® Dynamic Load Balancing (Intel®DLB) connection load balance to accelerate big connection cases such as an ingress gateway.

How Intel® Dynamic Load Balancing accelerates connection load balance in Envoy

Intel DLB is a hardware managed system of queues and arbiters connecting producers and consumers. It is a PCI device envisaged to live in the server CPU uncore and can interact with software running on cores, and potentially with other devices.

Intel DLB implements the following load balancing features:

  • Offloads queue management from software — useful where there are significant queuing-based costs.
    • Especially with multi-producer / multi-consumer scenarios and enqueue batching to multiple destinations.
    • The overhead locks are required to access shared queues in the software. Intel DLB implements lockless access to shared queues.
  • Dynamic, flow aware load balancing and reordering.
    • Ensures equal distribution of tasks and better CPU core utilization. Can provide flow-based atomicity if required.
    • Distributes high bandwidth flows across many cores without loss of packet order
    • Better determinism and avoids excessive queuing latencies
    • Uses less IO memory footprint and saves DDR Bandwidth
  • Priority queuing (up to 8 levels) —allows for QOS
    • Lower latency for traffic that is latency sensitive
    • Optional delay measurements in the packets
  • Scalability
    • Allows dynamic sizing of applications, seamless scale up/down.
    • Power aware; application can drop workers to lower power state in cases of lighter load.


There are three types of load balancing queues:

  • Unordered: For multiple producers and consumers. The order of tasks is not important, and each task is assigned to the processor core with the lowest current load.
  • Ordered: For multiple producers and consumers where the order of tasks is important. When multiple tasks are processed by multiple processor cores, they must be rearranged in the original order.
  • Atomic: For multiple producers and consumers, where tasks are grouped according to certain rules. These tasks are processed using the same set of resources and the order of tasks within the same group is important.


An ingress gateway is expected to process as much data as possible as quickly as possible, so Intel DLB connection load balance uses an unordered queue.

How to use Intel DLB connection load balance in Istio

With the 1.17 release, Istio supports Intel DLB connection load balance officially.

The following steps show how to use Intel DLB connection load balance in an Istio Ingress Gateway in an SPR (Sapphire Rapids) machine.

Step 1 Prepare Intel DLB environment


  • Install the Intel DLB driver by following the instructions on the Intel DLB driver official site.
  • Install the Intel DLB device plugin with the following command:
$ kubectl apply -k


For more details about the Intel DLB device plugin, please refer to Intel DLB device plugin homepage.

You can check the Intel DLB device resource:

$ kubectl describe nodes | grep   2   2


Step 2 Download Istio

The latest version of Istio is 1.17.2; Use the following command to download the installation package.

$ curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.17.2 TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 sh -
$ cd istio-1.17.2
$ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH


Note: Perform the following actions within the ‘istio-1.17.2’ directory:


Check that the version you installed is 1.17.2:


$ istioctl version

no running Istio pods in "istio-system"




Step 3 Install Kubernetes

 To install Kubernetes, follow the instructions in the official doc (

Step 4 Install Istio

Create the install configuration for Istio. Notice that we assign 4 CPUs and 1 Intel DLB device to the ingress gateway and set the concurrency to 4, which is equal to the CPU number.


$ cat > config.yaml << EOF


kind: IstioOperator


  profile: default



    - enabled: true

      name: istio-ingressgateway



          - kind: Deployment

            name: istio-ingressgateway


              - path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:istio-proxy].args.[-1]

                value: "--concurrency=4"



            cpu: 4000m

            memory: 4096Mi



            cpu: 4000m

            memory: 4096Mi



          maxReplicas: 1

          minReplicas: 1



      enabled: false



Use `istioctl` to install:


$ istioctl install -f config.yaml --set values.gateways.istio-ingressgateway.runAsRoot=true -y



 Your output should be similar to the following example:


✔ Istio core installed

✔ Istiod installed

✔ Ingress gateways installed

✔ Installation complete                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Making this installation the default for injection and validation.

Thank you for installing Istio 1.17.  Please take a few minutes to tell us about your install/upgrade experience!



Step 5 Setup Backend Service

Since we want to use Intel DLB connection load balance in an Istio ingress gateway, we need to create a backend service first. Here we choose official sample -- httpbin (


$ kubectl apply -f samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF


kind: Gateway


  name: httpbin-gateway


  # The selector matches the ingress gateway pod labels.

  # If you installed Istio using Helm following the standard documentation, this would be "istio=ingress"


    istio: ingressgateway


  - port:

      number: 80

      name: http

      protocol: HTTP


    - ""


$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF


kind: VirtualService


  name: httpbin



  - ""


  - httpbin-gateway


  - match:

    - uri:

        prefix: /status

    - uri:

        prefix: /delay


    - destination:


          number: 8000

        host: httpbin




You have now created a virtual service configuration for the httpbin service containing two route rules that allow traffic for paths /status and /delay.The gateways list specifies that only requests through your httpbin-gateway are allowed. All other external requests will be rejected with a 404 response.

Step 6 Enable Intel DLB Connection Load Balance


$ kubectl apply -f - <<EOF


kind: EnvoyFilter


  name: dlb

  namespace: istio-system




      istio: ingressgateway


  - applyTo: LISTENER


      context: GATEWAY


      operation: MERGE










Check the log of ingress gateway pod `istio-ingressgateway-xxxx . You should see logs that look like the example below:


$ export POD="$(kubectl get pods -n istio-system | grep gateway | awk '{print $1}')"

$ kubectl logs -n istio-system ${POD} | grep dlb

2023-05-05T06:16:36.921299Z     warning envoy config external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/        dlb device 0 is not found, use dlb device 3 instead     thread=35



Envoy will auto detect the Intel DLB device and choose the available one. The root cause is that the Intel DLB device plugin maps Intel DLB devices into the POD with real device ID rather than renaming it.

Step 7 Test


$ export HOST="<YOUR-HOST-IP>"

$ export PORT="$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}')"

$ curl -s -I "http://${HOST}:${PORT}/status/200"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

server: istio-envoy




Note that you must use the -H flag to set the Host HTTP header to “” since now you have no DNS binding for that host and are simply sending your request to the ingress IP. You can also add the DNS binding in /etc/hosts and remove the -H flag:


$ echo "$HOST" >> /etc/hosts

$ curl -s -I ""

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

server: istio-envoy




Access any other URL that has not been explicitly exposed. You should see an HTTP 404 error:


$ curl -s -I "http://${HOST}:${PORT}/headers"

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found




You can turn on debug log level to see more Intel DLB related logs:


$ istioctl pc log ${POD}.istio-system --level debug


active loggers:

  admin: debug

  alternate_protocols_cache: debug

  aws: debug

  assert: debug

  backtrace: debug




Run curl to send one request. The system should respond similarly to the example below:


$ kubectl logs -n istio-system ${POD} | grep dlb

2023-05-05T06:16:36.921299Z     warning envoy config external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/        dlb device 0 is not found, use dlb device 3 instead     thread=35

2023-05-05T06:37:45.974241Z     debug   envoy connection external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/   worker_3 dlb send fd 45 thread=47

2023-05-05T06:37:45.974427Z     debug   envoy connection external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/   worker_0 get dlb event 1        thread=46

2023-05-05T06:37:45.974453Z     debug   envoy connection external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/   worker_0 dlb recv 45    thread=46

2023-05-05T06:37:45.975215Z     debug   envoy connection external/envoy/contrib/network/connection_balance/dlb/source/   worker_0 dlb receive none, skip thread=46



For more details about Istio Ingress Gateway, please refer to Istio Ingress Gateway Official Doc (


In this article, we explained how to use accelerated offload connection balance in Istio. With this feature, we can get great performance improvement in high traffic scenarios in the cloud native service mesh world. Also, it shows the power of the combination of hardware and software.

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