Energy Efficient Software Development

ID 659400
Updated 6/1/2015
Version Latest



Save battery life. Reduce utility bills.

Create applications that perform as power efficiently as possible with these great tools and resources. Whether you’re trying to save battery life or help reduce your customers’ data center utility bill, you‘ll find tools to reduce your software’s power consumption.

Getting Started


  • Intel® System Studio

  • Intel® Power Gadget
    Monitor and estimation tool enabled for 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ processors.

  • Intel® Platform Power Estimation Tool (IPPET) for Windows*
    IPPET is a prototype power monitoring utility that uses Intel-specific energy MSRs to break down power consumption per process and displays them in real-time on a web browser.
    Download IPPET Quick Start Guide

  • PowerTOP
    PowerTOP is a Linux* tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and power management. In addition to being a diagnostic tool, PowerTOP also has an interactive mode where the user can experiment with various power management settings for cases where the Linux* distribution has not enabled these settings.

