Intel® Edge Software Device Qualification (Intel® ESDQ) for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform

ID 812746
Updated 1/8/2024
Version 1.0




Intel® Edge Software Device Qualification (Intel® ESDQ) for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform package provides customers with the capability to run the Intel-provided vision test suite on the target system, enabling partners to test their platform for the Intel® Geti™ AI Platform package.    

The following information is specific to the Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform package test modules.  For documentation on the Intel® ESDQ CLI binary, refer to Intel® Edge Software Device Qualification (Intel® ESDQ) Overview.

Select Configure & Download to download the Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform package and refer to Get Started for the installation steps.  

Configure & Download

Target System Requirements

  • At least 16 GB of RAM 
  • At least 64 GB of disk space 
  • A stable Internet connection

Ensure you have sudo access to the system and a stable Internet connection.

Get Started

Intel® ESDQ CLI tool system and Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform test modules are installed as part of the Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform 1.0 package. 

NOTE: The screenshots may show a package version number different from the current release. See the Release Notes for information on the current release.

Download and Install Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform

  1. Select Configure & Download to download the Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI Platform package.
    Configure & Download
  2. Choose the required configuration based on your test system environment. 
    A screenshot showing the configuration options
    FIgure 1. Configure and Download


  3. Click Download. In the next screen, accept the license agreement and copy the Product Key.
  4. Transfer the downloaded package to the target system and unzip.
  5. Go to the edge_software_device_qualification directory:
    cd esdq_geti 
  6. Open the edgesoftware_configuration.xml and verify whether the Intel® ESDQ ingredient and Intel® Geti™ AI platform test module are mentioned in the file.
    <project path="installation/src" id="64cb337f89c314c29867e05c" version="v11.0.0" label="ESDQ" esb_install="true"/>
    <project path="installation/src" id="64cb343689c314c29867fd1a" version="v11.0.0" label="ESDQ_System_Test_Module" esb_install="true"/>
    <project path="installation/src" id="6577f94805b39d81fb941aca" version="2023.3" label="ESDQ_Geti_Test_Module" esb_install="true"/>
  7. Grant executable permission to edgesoftware:
    chmod +x ./edgesoftware
  8. Install the Intel® ESDQ and Intel® Geti™ AI platform test module on the target system:
    ./edgesoftware install 
  9. When prompted, enter the Product Key. You can enter the Product Key mentioned in the email from Intel confirming your download (or the Product Key you copied in step 3).
  10. When the installation is complete, you will see the “Installation of package complete” message and the installation status for each module.
    A screenshot showing that the installation is successful.
    Figure 2. Installation Complete Message


NOTE: Make sure that the Intel® Geti™ AI platform test module is installed successfully before you start using the Intel® ESDQ. If the test module fails to install, run the following command:
./edgesoftware update <Failed Module ID(s)>


  1. Once the installation is complete, reboot the system:
    sudo reboot

Copy Projects and Data

  1. Navigate to the Intel® ESDQ installation folder:
    cd <esdq installation folder> 
  2. Copy the projects and data to the modules/geti/projects directory in the Intel® ESDQ folder: 

Run the Application

Run Intel® ESDQ for Intel® Geti™ AI platform test module via esdq CLI. 

  1. Go to the Intel® ESDQ installation folder:
    cd <esdq installation folder> 
  2. Check the Intel® ESDQ version: 
    esdq --version
  3. Ensure the release version matches the version you downloaded.
  4. View the available command line options for Intel® ESDQ:  
    esdq --help

    Example output:

    A screenshot showing the available command line options.
    Figure 3. Available Command Line Options


  5. List the available test modules:

    esdq module list
  6. Run Intel® ESDQ test execution. This command will run the test modules listed in the package. 

    esdq run

    NOTE: When prompted for the superuser permission, provide the sudo password.

  7. This command will execute the installed test modules and generate a report once the execution is completed. You will find the report in the /reports folder: 

    cd <esdq installation folder>/reports

    Here’s an example: 

    A screenshot showing the reports folder.
    Figure 4. Reports Folder


  8. View report.html on a web browser and send the report to Intel to continue with the Devkit qualification process. 

Summary and Next Steps

With the Intel® ESDQ CLI tool, you were able to run an Intel-provided test suite on the target system, with the goal of testing the Intel® Geti™ AI platform. Intel® ESDQ generated a complete test report in HTML format, along with detailed logs packaged as a zip file.

As the next step, you can email the result package (Example:


‘esdq’ command not found

If the Linux shell does not find the esdq command, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check if the esdq command is installed in the ~/.local/bin directory:
    ls ~/.local/bin/esdq
    Ensure that the command exists in the specified directory.
  2. If the esdq command is in ~/.local/bin, verify if ~/.local/bin is included in the $PATH environment variable. Update the $PATH variable by adding ~/.local/bin:
    export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

    You can add this line to your shell profile file (for example, ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc) to make the change permanent for future sessions.
  3. After updating the $PATH, rerun the esdq command:
    If the command is properly installed and the $PATH is set correctly, the shell should recognize and execute the command. 

If you’re unable to resolve your issues, contact the Support Forum.

Release Notes

Current Version: 1.0

New in This Release 

  • Added support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS  
  • Added support for GETI SDK version v1.5.8 
  • Introduced a new test module to support the Intel® Geti™ AI Platform, added 17 test cases for the Intel® Geti™ AI Platform 
  • Added support for ESDQ CLI v1.11.0 
  • Resolved various bugs and issues to enhance the overall stability and reliability of the application.