Bare-metal performance for Big Data workloads on Docker* Containers

ID 659059
Updated 3/15/2017
Version Latest



BlueData® and Intel® have collaborated in an unprecedented benchmark of the performance of Big Data workloads. These workloads were benchmarked in a bare-metal environment versus a container-based environment that uses the BlueData EPIC™ software platform. The workloads for both test environments ran on apples-to-apples configurations on Intel® Xeon® processors-based architecture.

This in-depth study shows that performance ratios for container-based Apache Hadoop* workloads on BlueData EPIC are equal to — and in some cases, better than — bare-metal Hadoop. For example, benchmark tests showed that the BlueData EPIC platform demonstrated an average 2.33% performance gain over bare-metal, for a configuration with 50 Hadoop compute nodes and 10 terabytes (TB) of data.

These results show that you can take advantage of the BlueData benefits of agility, flexibility, and cost reduction while running Big Data workloads in Docker* containers, and still gain the performance of a bare-metal environment.