Release Notes for Intel® Performance Libraries with Community Licensing

ID 672247
Updated 10/3/2017
Version Latest



Intel® provides developers the no-cost community licensing for Intel® Performance Libraries. The software libraries includes Intel® Math Kernel LibraryIntel® Integrated Performance Primitives, Intel® Threading Building BlocksIntel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library, and Intel® MPI Library.

This page provides the current Release Notes for the component products:

Intel® Performance Libraries

Release Notes

Intel® Math Kernel Library
The optimized math library with the vectorized and threaded functions.


Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
An extensive library of software functions to help develop image, signal, data processing, and communications applications.


Intel® Threading Building Blocks
A C and C++ library for creating high performance, scalable parallel applications.

The Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library
Optimized machine learning and big data analytics library


Intel® MPI Library
High-performance MPI message library

To find other useful support resources on these libraries, please check the product support page, or ask your questions in the support forums: