Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit Release Notes

ID 658815
Updated 6/18/2020
Version Latest




The Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit contains tools that enable developers to accelerate system bring-up and optimization—whether you’re a device manufacturer, system integrator, or IoT software provider. This page provides the release notes and documents the issues associated with the toolkit.

Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit includes the following components:

  • Intel® VTune™ Profiler - Release Notes
  • Intel® SoC Watch - Release Notes
  • Intel® System Debugger - Release Notes

Version History

Date Version Major Change Summary
September 2020 2021.1-beta09 Intel® VTune™ Profiler: Performance Snapshot is now used as the default analysis type. Input and Output analysis is improved to capture PCIe MMIO reads and writes. GPU Accelerators: Added support for oneAPI Level Zero Specification for DPC++ Applications
July 2020 2021.1-beta08

Intel® System Debugger: Added capability to display Physical Memory in the Memory Viewer and Memory Browser. Added busy indicator for time consuming operations. Improved performance of Descriptor Table views and in-place register editing support

Intel® VTune™ Profiler: Added Anomaly Detection analysis type in the Algorithm group. Added OpenMP Offload in HPC Analysis. Added Windows* Support for oneAPI Level Zero Specification for DPC++ Applications. Added demangling of DPC++ lambda function names.

June 2020 2021.1-beta07

Intel® System Debugger: Added samples for System Debug, System Trace and Intel(R) Debug Extensions for WinDbg*.

Intel® VTune™ Profiler: GPU Accelerators - Support for oneAPI Level Zero Specification for DPC++ Applications; Update to IP Architecture diagram. New metrics in Input and Output Analysis. New TCP/IP Communication Agent. Cloud and Containerization - Display Container Name instead of Container ID

April 2020 2021.1-beta06

Intel® System Debugger: Transition to Python 3. Processor Trace support. Intel(R) Debug Extensions for WinDbg* improvements.

Intel® VTune™ Profiler: System Overview - Hardware tracing improvements: represent module entry points, user/kernel metrics, interrupts. Bug fixes.

March 2020 2021.1-beta05 Intel® VTune™ Profiler: Improvements and new analysis types for GPU accelerators. Platform analysis improvements. Intel® SoC Watch: Collection of tool usage analytics. New features and new platforms support. Error messages and help output improvements. Enhanced driver security.
February 2020 2021.1-beta04 Support to profile DPC++ applications across CPUs and accelerators
November 2019 2021.1-beta03 Initial Beta release of Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit

New in This Release


System Requirements

For software and hardware requirements, please refer to Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit System Requirements.

Installation Instructions

The Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit can be downloaded and installed from the download page. Please visit Installation Guide for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits for more detailed instructions.

Linux Installation

Step 1: Use the following command to launch the GUI installer as root:

sudo ./l_BringupKit_[version].sh

Step 2: Follow the installer instruction screens.

  • Check that /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dci.rules file exists after the installation.

Note: Root permissions or sudo is required to create this file.

Windows Installation

Step 1: Double-click the EXE file to launch the GUI installer.


Step 2: Follow the installer instruction screens. Once the installation is complete, verify that your toolkit has been installed to the correct installation directory, as follows:

Default Installation Directory
Linux Windows
/opt/intel/oneapi C:Program Files (x86)InteloneAPI

Getting Started

  • Get Started with Intel® System Bring-up Toolkit: Windows* | Linux*

Known Issues and Workarounds

  • When using Samples in Eclipse* IDE: The “Problems” view in Eclipse* may list error results for some oneAPI sample projects. These errors are false positives and can be ignored. The samples will build and run in Eclipse when the environment is correctly configured as described in the oneAPI Getting Started documents.

For component specific issues please check their respective Release notes

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