Problem: In many scenarios, users want to download only few components of interest, rather than downloading the whole Intel(R) System Studio or Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE suites, which may be in gigabytes.
Solution: With latest Intel(R) System Studio 2017 Beta and Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2017 Beta, we have provided an online installer option, which facilitates either to download and install the selected components in the same machine or just to download the selected components and install it later.
Note: You need to register for either Intel(R) System Studio Beta or Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE Beta to be able to download the Beta package.
Here is the brief about how to achieve the same : -
Step 1: Login to Intel(R) Registration Center and select either "Intel(R) System Studio Beta" or "Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE Beta" and then click on "Download", then you would be navigated to a page as shown below : -
You can now select the 1st option "I want to download only the components I need. Time and space are important to me." and then click on "Download Now", this would download an initial online downloader which would initiate the download/installation of the selected components.
Step 2 : Double click on the initial online downloader and then you would see an installer screen as shown below :
Now we would have 2 options as shown in the picture above : -
a. Either to "Install in the same computer"
b. Download for later installation or to install in any other remote machine, where you may not have the internet connection. If you select 2nd option, you can browse to the directory, where you want to place the downloaded setup files.
Step 3: Click "Next" and then mark (right-click) the various components of interest to be downloaded as shown in below picture : -
Step 4: Click on "Download".