Silent Installation Guide for Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for macOS* version 2019
Silent Installation Guide for Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for macOS* version 2018
Silent Installation Guide for Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for macOS* version 2016
Here are the steps you can follow to install the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for OS X* version 2016 in silent mode.
Step 0) Start a "Terminal" program from Utilities group (if you have not done so already) or log into the Mac machine by "Terminal" windows like PUTTY*, Telnet etc.. Confirm that the userID for the installation has 'sudo' or root privilege. Test your sudo privilege with a simple sudo command such as 'sudo pwd' or 'sudo ls -l'
Step 1) Mount the *.dmg file with required content using "Finder", for example, by double-clicking on *.dmg. OR If you are working from a terminal window, use the hdiutil command to mount the compiler installer disk image (.dmg)
2016 Example:
Mount the image
sudo hdiutil attach m_fcompxe_2016[_beta].u.vvv.dmg
sudo hdiutil attach m_ccompxe_2016[_beta].u.vvv.dmg
Disk image mounts under
/Volumes/m_fcompxe_2016[_beta].u.vvv (for Intel® Parallel Studio Composer Edition for Fortran OS X*)
/Volumes/m_ccompxe_2016[_beta].u.vvv (for Intel® Parallel Studio Composer Edition for C++ OS X*)
where 'u' is the update number ( 0, 1, 2, 3, etc) and where 'vvv' is the specific version (2016.2.142 is Update 2, version 142 for example), “_beta” suffix is added for Beta packages.
Step 2)Change directory to the “MacOS” folder in "Terminal":
2016 Example:
cd /Volumes/m_ccompxe_2016_beta.u.vvv/
cd /Volumes/m_fcompxe_2016_beta.u.vvv/
Step 3) In this folder you can find the configuration file silent.cfg, copy it to the location where you have write permissions. This file controls the behavior of the installation. We will explain the configuration file contents below.
- cp ./silent.cfg /tmp/silent.cfg
Step 4) Edit /tmp/silent.cfg file, at least setting the value of ACCEPT_EULA to “accept”
silent.cfg looks as follows. To proceed with the installation, you should agree with conditions of End User License Agreement (EULA) by setting the value of ACCEPT_EULA to “accept”. By default, the installer looks for license file in “/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/Intel/Licenses” folder. We recommend you to copy your license file to it before starting the installation. Refer to “Configuration file format” section to find more information about licensing and other customizable options.
# Patterns used to check silent configuration file # # anythingpat - any string # filepat - the file location pattern (/file/location/to/license.lic) # lspat - the license server address pattern (0123@hostname) # snpat - the serial number pattern (ABCD-01234567) # accept EULA, valid values are: {accept, decline} ACCEPT_EULA=decline # optional error behavior, valid values are: {yes, no} CONTINUE_WITH_OPTIONAL_ERROR=yes # install location, valid values are: {/opt/intel, filepat} PSET_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/intel # continue with overwrite of existing installation directory, valid values are: {yes, no} CONTINUE_WITH_INSTALLDIR_OVERWRITE=yes # list of components to install, valid values are: {ALL, DEFAULTS, anythingpat} COMPONENTS=DEFAULTS # installation mode, valid values are: {install, modify, repair, uninstall} PSET_MODE=install # directory for non-RPM database, valid values are: {filepat} #NONRPM_DB_DIR=filepat # Serial number, valid values are: {snpat} #ACTIVATION_SERIAL_NUMBER=snpat # License file or license server, valid values are: {lspat, filepat} #ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE= # Activation type, valid values are: {exist_lic, license_server, license_file, trial_lic, serial_number} ACTIVATION_TYPE=exist_lic # Intel(R) Software Improvement Program opt-in, valid values are: {yes, no} PHONEHOME_SEND_USAGE_DATA=no # XCode location, valid values are: {/Applications/, filepat} XCODE_DIR=/Applications/ # integrate the product to XCode, valid values are: {yes, no} XCODE_INTEGRATION_NEEDED=yes |
Step 5) Use 'sudo' to run the silent install (if you are not root user) passing the full path to your configuration file with the --silent option.
sudo ./ --silent /tmp/silent.cfg
DONE. If your configuration file is accepted the installer will now progress with the installation without further input from you, and no output will appear unless there is an error.
A few comments on the directives inside the silent install configuration file:
ACCEPT_EULA=accept |
or run trial installation in “duplicate mode” that will create the custom configuration file with the components you select in interactive mode (see details below) |
Silent Install Steps: "Copy and Repeat" Method for Silent Configuration File Creation
If you need to make the same sort of installation over and over again, one way to get the silent installation configuration file right the first time is to run the installation program once interactively, using the options that meet the local needs, and record these options into a configuration file that can be used to replicate this same install via silent install for future installations.
To do this, the user simply needs to add the "duplicate" option to the script invocation, and run a normal interactive install, as follows:
./ --duplicate /tmp/silent.cfg
This "--duplicate" option will put the choices made by you into the file specified on the command line. You can modify this recorded configuration file as appropriate and use it to perform future silent installations.
Silent UnInstall Steps:
Edit /tmp/silent.cfg with PSET_MODE=uninstall
> sudo ./ --silent /tmp/silent.cfg