Installing Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime 2018 Using APT Repository

ID 658337
Updated 6/27/2022
Version Latest



Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime includes everything you need to run applications built with Intel® Parallel Studio XE. The packages are available, through an APT package manager, free of charge, to users who already have applications enabled with Intel® Parallel Studio XE.

Setting up the Repository

Install the GPG key for the repository

Download the public key from and save it to a file. Then add this key to the system keyring:

sudo apt-key add <PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_GPG_KEY>

Add APT Repository

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo vi intel-psxe-runtime-2018.list

Append the following code

deb intel-psxe-runtime main


sudo apt-get update

Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime versions available in the repository

2018 0 128
2018 1 161
2018 2 199
2018 3 222
2018 4 274

For additional versions see: Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime by Version

Installing the runtime packages using the APT Package Manager

The following variables are used in the installation commands:
<VERSION>: 2017, 2018, ...
<UPDATE>: 0, 1, 2, ...
<COMPONENT>: a component name from the list of available components below

Component <COMPONENT>
Intel® Parallel Studio XE intel-psxe-runtime

Intel® C++ Compiler

Intel® Fortran Compiler intel-ifort-runtime
Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives intel-ipp-runtime
Intel® Math Kernel Library intel-mkl-runtime
Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library intel-daal-runtime
Intel® Threading Building Blocks intel-tbb-runtime
Intel® MPI Library intel-mpi-runtime

How do I install the latest version?

  1. Installation of full runtime package
    sudo apt-get install intel-psxe-runtime
  2. Installation of particular component from a full runtime package
    sudo apt-get install <COMPONENT>


    sudo apt-get install intel-ipp-runtime

How do I install a particular version?

  1. To install a particular version of a full runtime package
    sudo aptitude install intel-psxe-runtime=<VERSION>.<UPDATE>-<BUILD_NUM>


    sudo aptitude install intel-psxe-runtime=2018.0-128
  2. To install a particular version of a particular component
  • Get the list of all available component versions
    apt-cache madison <COMPONENT>


    apt-cache madison intel-ipp-runtime
  • Use the desired component version in the command
    sudo aptitude install <COMPONENT>=<VERSION>.<UPDATE>-<BUILD_NUM>


    sudo aptitude install intel-ipp-runtime=2018.0-128

How do I upgrade the installed packages?

  1. Upgrade a full runtime package to the latest version
    sudo apt-get install intel-psxe-runtime
  2. Upgrade a particular component to the latest version
    sudo apt-get install <COMPONENT>


    ​sudo apt-get install intel-ipp-runtime

How do I uninstall a particular version?

  1. Uninstall a full runtime package
    sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove intel-psxe-runtime
  2. Uninstall a particular component
    sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove <COMPONENT>


    sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove intel-ipp-runtime

How do I install a 32-bit runtime rpm on a 64-bit system?

  1. Install a 32-bit package of a full runtime
    • Add i386 architecture
      sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    • Update available packages list
      sudo apt-get update
    • Install the 32-bit runtime package
      sudo apt-get install intel-psxe-runtime:i386
  2. ​Install 32-bit version of particular component:
    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install <COMPONENT>:i386


    sudo apt-get install intel-ipp-runtime:i386

By downloading  Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime you agree to the terms and conditions stated in the End-User License Agreement (EULA).

Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime location on a local system


Links to the last installed runtime package:


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