This page contain a list of SYCL training resources that you should consider.
Learn about SYCL (
Download the book -
Visit - a site that has emerged as an unequaled resource for SYCL programmers.
- The Khronos SYCL Resources page lists various projects to implement SYCL.
- Umar Ashad, at ArrayFire, wrote a nice piece that remains a good resource enumerating the various projects to implement SYCL.
- The Khronos announcement of the SYCL 2020 standard, still contains useful tidbits you may want to have read from the source.
SYCL References
These additional items are useful references especially after you have read the book:
- the new SYCL 2020 Reference card (16 pages) is a handy reference;
- the online DPC++ reference can be useful for interface details;
- and the official SYCL 2020 language specification.