Intel® Developer Mesh – A Community for Software Developers

ID 657902
Updated 12/30/2016
Version Latest



Are you a software developer? Are you looking for the right place to showcase your work and collaborate with like-minded people? Do you want to connect with the world’s brightest minds? If you said yes to any of these questions then Intel® Developer Mesh may be the community for you.

Intel® Developer Mesh is an online community of software developers working on innovative projects around the globe. A place for you to showcase your projects, expand your network, and collaborate with others.  This community is over 900 members strong and has 250+ projects shared. It’s a place to find and connect with other developers in your field, or even your city. You can browse featured projects, follow your favorite developers, contribute ideas, or share your own work. Learn about what is trending, and what the world’s brightest minds are working on right now.

Follow your favorite development topics, including the latest trends, tutorials, and support.

Game Development – We all love to play games, but there is a lot to consider when making a successful, quality game. Upgrade your skills as a game developer, share your game projects, and connect with other developers.

Networking – Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) are transforming the networking ecosystem through software, decoupling network functions from hardware where workloads are centrally controlled and deployed dynamically.

Modern Code – Drive faster breakthroughs through faster code. Get more results on your hardware today and carry your code forward to the future.

Android – Intel is inside more and more Android devices, and we have tools and resources to make your app development faster and easier.

Intel® RealSense™ - Natural interaction, immersive, collaboration, gaming and learning, 3D scanning. Integrate tracking, facial analysis, speech recognition, augmented reality, and more into your apps.

Robotics – Flying, walking, and roving machines. Browse the expertise on display in these robotics projects and share how you are taking things to the next level.

Internet of Things –With the help of sensors, devices, the cloud, and your code, connecting everyday objects or "things" to create a smart world.

Artificial Intelligence – Get the most out of your training, scoring, algorithms, and frameworks on Intel® architecture for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Virtual Reality – Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality…you’ll find projects based on all these new platforms here.

Join Intel® Developer Mesh and share your projects today

It’s simple to do. Click the Join Now button, create a profile and add your project. If you want others to collaborate on the project with you just select that option and start working together. Spend some time looking through the groups and projects within the community. You are able to follow projects and comment on them.

To get you started here are a few community members to follow:

Anuj Duggal currently has six projects listed on Developer Mesh. Based in India, Anuj, is a maker and tech enthusiast interested in Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Web/Hybrid App development, and drones.

Paul Langdon has five projects listed, including his Warehouse Scanner and his BB-8’s AWS Adventure. Paul lives in Connecticut and has a passion for teaching others.

Abhishek Nandy is a part of the Intel® Software Innovator Program and an Intel® Black Belt and several of his projects feature Intel® RealSense™ technology. He often collaborates with other innovators.

Paulo Pinheiro is an expert on robotics and assistive hands-free interfaces. At IDF16 he demoed his Wheelie project which is a robotic wheelchair that uses facial expressions, to control the wheelchair movement.

Fabrizio Lapiello lives in Italy and has a passion to make people’s lives better through innovative solutions.

Peach Pellen’s project Platino lets developers create apps and games with JavaScript and use a single code base to compile for iOS, Android, and full x86 support while maintaining native performance.

Justin Link along with Ryan Clark and Justin Lassen, has designed Shapesong, a social music exploration game built from the ground up for room-scale virtual reality.

Martin Foertsch and Thomas Endres are Intel® Software Innovators and an Intel® Black Belts in Germany whose projects include a HTML5 browser based bird shooter game, an Intel® RealSense™ camera based augmented reality head-mounted display allowing you to see the world like a Terminator, and an immersive, gesture controlled multimodal telepresence robotics system so you can be your own version of an Avatar.

Pooja Baraskar has five projects including a smart baby monitoring system, and IoT and Intel® RealSense™ technology based robot, a quiz game that modifies based on the users age, and more.

Become a Member

Join us at Intel® Developer Mesh today and become a member of our amazing community of developers.

If you want to know more about Intel® Developer Mesh or the Intel® Software Innovator Program, contact us on Twitter - Bob Duffy and Wendy Boswell