Alibaba Cloud*

A Software Ecosystem Testimonial for HPC

Ecosystem Developer Resources for HPC



"Through a strong and close partnership with Intel, we have helped our customers accelerate their online service greatly with Intel technology. By leveraging and integrating the key features of Intel® Neural Compressor and Intel® Extension for Transformers* into Alibaba Cloud* PAI-Blade, we offer extremely high performance and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO). These tools provide a high-performance solution for model optimization and optimized-aware inference, which help PAI-Blade extremely easy to adopt optimization like int8 for better performance without accuracy loss. We believe our ongoing collaboration with Intel will bring more benefits to AI workloads and services."

— Shen Li, staff algorithm engineer, Alibaba Cloud

"E-HPC provides individual users, education and research institutions, and public institutions with a fast, elastic, and secure cloud compute platform. With the Intel® oneAPI toolkit, E-HPC can help customers build a high-performance, profiling computing platform on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors."

– Jinzhong Tao, HPC Solution Product Manager Alibaba Cloud

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