About Intel® Software Development Products Community Forums

ID 671693
Updated 11/20/2018
Version Latest



Intel Software Development Products Community Forums are free and welcome to all users of our software tools. It’s a place where community members can connect to help and learn from one another. Intel engineers may not regularly monitor these forums.

  • For a faster response, customers with active Priority Support may submit confidential support requests to Intel engineers via the Online Service Center.
  • Anyone with questions on registration, download, licensing, and licensing-related installation may also submit via the Online Service Center.

NOTE: Please do not include private information such as your email address or product serial number in your forum posts. If you need to share private information with an Intel employee, they can start a private thread for you.

This article applies to the following Community Forums: 

Intel® C++ Compiler

Intel® Fortran Compiler: Windows* | Linux* and macOS*

Intel® Distribution for Python*

Intel® Math Kernel Library

Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives

Intel® Threading Building Blocks

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier

Intel® Performance Snapshot

Intel® Advisor

Intel® Inspector

Intel® MPI Library and Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector

Intel® System Studio

Intel® System Debugger