Intel® Inspector Sample Applications

ID 657804
Updated 3/31/2016
Version Latest



Intel® Inspector is a dynamic memory and threading error checking tool for users developing serial and multithreaded applications on Windows* and Linux* operating systems.

Sample applications can help you learn basic Intel Inspector operations. They are installed as individual compressed files under the samples directory within the Intel Inspector installation directory. After you copy a sample application compressed file to a writable directory, use a suitable tool to extract the contents. Extracted contents include a short README that describes how to build the sample and fix issues.To load a sample into the Microsoft Visual Studio* environment, double-click the .sln file.

A list of available sample applications is installed in the documentation directory within the Intel Inspector installation directory. Check Intel® Software Product Samples and Tutorials for updates.


  • Companion tutorials are available for some sample applications.
  • Sample applications are non-deterministic.
  • Sample applications are designed only to illustrate the Intel Inspector features and do not represent best practices for creating code.