Comfort in discomfort companion card image.

Intel® Future Skills: Comfort in Discomfort

Essential skill overview: become more comfortable in your discomfort.




Social-emotional skills are essential in today’s world. That’s why we have named them Essential Skills and made them a core component of the Intel® Future Skills program. Our Essential Skills companion cards and videos are here to help you, your students or your peers guide your thinking. To focus beyond creating the final “thing” by thinking deeply about your growth as a person while you iterate and build. So dig deep, reflect, learn skills and mindsets but most importantly, remember with infinite possibilities come infinite room to grow.

Watch the video below to learn more about Comfort in Discomfort. Next, download the companion card to start becoming more comfortable in your discomfort as you dream, draw, build, and share your next Intel® Future Skills project.

Click here for a preview of the companion card.