Oakland Schools Partnership Yields Impressive Results

Intel partnered with McClymonds High School and the Oakland Unified School District in California to develop and improve computer science and engineering courses. Programs include work-based learning, mentoring and internships, education and awareness for parents, and professional development support for teachers. As part of Intel’s five-year, $5 million investment in two OUSD schools, Intel helped launch a new engineering pathway program for students an McClymonds, encouraging them to pursue future education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

In 2018, 31 McClymonds graduating seniors completed the engineering pathway program and headed off to colleges and universities such as the University of Southern California; the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of Nevada; and the University of Hawaii. Their success demonstrates that with support and investment, school districts can dramatically improve educational outcomes and prepare students for success in today’s high-tech workforce.


Our vision in Oakland is to ensure all of our students are prepared for college, career, and community success.

The Intel partnership has been tremendous for our students and for our school community.

We're seeing more kids that are interested in the engineering, computer science pathways, and taking more career technical education courses.

It really digs into providing students hands on learning. For example, many of our students participate in internships, work based learning opportunities. And many of these students have an Intel mentor. And so it's not just about college and class, it's about life.

The Pathway Program was an opportunity for kids to try something new. Say you're just a normal student here, and you don't play any sports or do anything, but you're part of this program that is changing Oakland forever. It was something great to be a part of.

When I was in mentorship, it was more like having a family. Because they were really always worrying about me, making sure I was doing OK. My mentor definitely had my back at every single turn. Without her, I would have dropped out of high school. Because of her-- she's the reason why I'm walking the stage.


Intel's Pathway Program really gives kids the experience that is really needed for the workforce in today's society. A lot of kids don't really try to go to college. They really are stuck in the street life. I've been with the Intel Engineering Pathway Program for three years since it started off. I'm going to attend the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, studying computer science.

My family comes from Mexico, and they didn't have the opportunity for advanced education. I started this program in 2016, and I will be going to UC Berkeley this fall for Computer Science.

It's been such a pleasure to see their development, to witness their growth in confidence, their growth and skills. We're really grateful to have Intel as a partner in that journey.

Day'Marr has grown tremendously.

Some of us have been through so much, individually, but together, we've been thorugh more.

The Intel program brought something out of him I've never seen before, and I'm loving it. It helped take Day'Marr out of a negative environment and take him into something positive, where he became an outstanding and beautiful young man.

We've seen an increase in graduation rates. Between last year and this year, there's been a 75% increase in the number of kids that have participated in the pathways. We actually are growing all in as a district in terms of pathways being a huge strategy, helping students not only graduate from high school, but actually build that path towards college and career success.

It's like planting a seed, or just watering it. You know, you're trying to help us grow.