Intel Innovation  |  March 2009
Behind Every Great Technology is a Great Woman
Some of the brightest and most innovative women make their “home” inside of Intel, leading teams and developing and bringing technologies to market that impact people’s daily lives now and into the future. Hear what some of these Intel executives have to say on Intel’s The Inside Scoop blog.  
Can You Hear the Glass Ceiling Shattering?
Recently, Intel announced its latest appointment of Intel Fellows, including the second woman, Dr. Genevieve Bell. Intel Fellows have the highest level of technical achievement in the company, equivalent to vice president on the management track.

For many years there has been discussion about the “glass ceiling” for women in tech, specifically the lack of females in technology, science and math careers. In Silicon Valley, women make up only a small percentage of engineering and executive positions. We look forward to the day when more tech leaders such as Dr. Bell hold these positions.

Read more on The Inside Scoop blog.
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