Due to a problem in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 22.4, you may observe that the simulation of the F-Tile Serial Lite IV IP design will fail with the following configuration:
- OPN: Agilex™ F-Tile devices with OPNs that end with the suffix VR0, VR1, and VR2
- Simulation mode: Slowsim
- PMA modulation type: NRZ
- PMA type: FGT
- PMA data rate: 17.4 Gbps
- PMA mode: TX/RX
- Number of PMA lanes: >=14
This problem is due to the clock frequency generated by the simulation model having a high deviation from the expected frequency, which causes FIFO empty or FIFO overflow.
To work around this problem, you can adopt the following two methods:
- Change the OPN: Agilex™ F-Tile devices with OPNs that end with the suffix VR3 and AA.
- Change the simulation mode from Slowsim to Fastsim.